
All that we have is a gift from God. We strive to reflect God's generosity in our giving. We encourage all members and regular attenders of Bethlehem to share in the Lord's ministry at Bethlehem by giving. The money you give to Bethlehem will be used to continue our mission of "Sharing Christ's love and caring for all people."
You may mail in your gifts to 808 Weiss St.
Saginaw, MI 48602
For online giving, please click below.
Below is the link to our NEW giving form. If you previously gave with Vanco, your credentials will not transfer over. A new account for Tithe.ly must be created. Thank you for understanding. If you are already set up with automatic payments through Vanco, they will not be affected.
If you are already making automatic payments through Vanco, you can make adjustments to that by clicking the green button below.
If you'd like to give by text message, simply text the amount you'd like to give to 833-417-6255. For more info on text to give, please click here.